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Solutions > TOMS

“TOMS” is a system for the unit trusts management companies (UTMC). 

It covers both the front-end and back-end requirements of a UTMC. 

The back-end runs under client-server environment 

while the front-end  is internet-enabled and accessible using a web-browser. 

TOMS is a comprehensive product that handles effectively  all the day-to-day activities of a UTMC - 

from the management of investors and their investment activities 

to the computation of commission and brokerages to the agency force and IUTAs, 

from fund accounting to the computation of daily unit prices 

and from the monitoring  of manager's stocks to funds' investment activities.

Access to TOMS is through userid and password and each user can be setup

to access different functions.  Therefore, TOMS is full featured and will help to

effectively run your many funds.

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