RBS Reliance Business Solutions Sdn Bhd  
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The following is a list of customers that we have provided  significant IS products and services to. This list speaks well of our prowess in the IS arena.
  • Kuala Lumpur Mutual Fund (in 1990)
  • BHLB Pacific Trust Management Bhd (in 1993)
  • BBMB Unit Trust Management (in 1993)
  • Pacific Mutual Fund (in 1995)
  • AMInvestment Services Berhad (in 1995)
  • Pheim Unit Trust Bhd (in 2002)
  • CIMB-PRINCIPAL Asset Management (in 2003)
  • AM Assurance Bhd (in 2004)
  • TA Unit Trust Management Bhd (in 2004)
  • Kenanga Unit Trust Berhad (in 2005)
  • RHB Unit Trust Management Berhad (in 2006)


  • Costraco Sdn Bhd
  • Exsell Corp Sdn Bhd
  • Finewood Sdn Bhd


  • Oriflame Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd

Other customers in other industries

  • Industrial Automation Sdn Bhd
  • Straits Timber Products Sdn Bhd
  • S.E.H. (M) Sdn Bhd (Shin Etsu Handotai group)
  • Daihatsu (M) Sdn Bhd
  • Medicare – Managed Care Division of Koperasi Pekerja-Pekerja Serbaguna (M) Bhd
  • Swedish Motor Assemblies Sdn Bhd (Volvo)
  • ESSO Malaysia Bhd
  • Mitsui OSK Lines Malaysai Sdn Bhd


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